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Check Your Voter Registration Status

If the last time a person voted was before 2020, they may have been removed from Florida’s "active voter" list. People who are inactive are at risk of being purged from voter rolls.


Voters can be reactivated by: (1) updating voter's registration address, phone, or signature; (2) Signing a petition, such as the Right to Clean Water Petition or the Florida Decides Healthcare ballot initiative (*note: Petitions must be submitted on paper); or (3) Requesting a vote-by-mail ballot (select your county below). It's smart to double check to make sure you haven't been purged!

Register to Vote

You can apply to register to vote at any time. However, to vote in an election, you must be registered in the state by the book closing date:

Primary Election…….. July 22, 2024
General Election…….. October 7, 2024

Find Your Polling Place, Sample Ballot, & Vote-By-Mail Status











All vote-by-mail requests expired on Dec. 31, 2022. Voters who wish to receive a Vote-by-Mail ballot for the 2024 elections must complete a new Vote-by-Mail ballot request. 


Vote-by-mail requests expire after each federal general election cycle. ​To continue to receive vote-by-mail ballots, you must submit a new vote-by-mail request each general election cycle. 


If you plan to mail your ballot, allow at least one week for your ballot to reach the Supervisor of Elections office. You can also drop your ballot off in person during office hours or Early Voting sites during Early Voting hours.

Make Sure Your Signatures Match

Verify your signature on your voter card and your licensee (and for VBM, make sure to sign the sealed envelope) so your vote is counted. You can update your signature at any time (online or in person) before you return your ballot.

Key Election Dates



Deadline to register to vote or change party affiliation……............ July 22, 2024


Deadline to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot……..................Aug 8, 2024 @ 5 PM


Early voting……............................................................................ Aug 10 – 17, 2024


Deadline for Vote-by-Mail ballot to be received……....  Aug 20, 2024 @ 7 PM


Election Day…...............................................................................…..  Aug 20, 2024




Deadline to register to vote…...........................................................…..  Oct 7, 2024


Deadline to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot……...................Oct 24, 2024 @ 5 PM


Early voting ……......................................................................  Oct 26 – Nov 2, 2024


Deadline for Vote-by-Mail ballot to be received….........….. Nov 5, 2024 @ 7 PM


Election Day…….......................................................................................  Nov 5, 2024

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